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Ancient Language Yoga Clothing

Bamboo Chant Capri


9 Color(s) Available

Ancient Language Yoga Clothing

Bamboo Bralette


12 Color(s) Available

Ancient Language Yoga Clothing

Zen Spiral Relaxed Short Sleeve Tee


2 Color(s) Available

Ancient Language Yoga Clothing

Zen Spiral Long Sleeve Tee


1 Color(s) Available

Ancient Language Yoga Clothing

Vintage Sanskrit Mens Tee


1 Color(s) Available

Ancient Language Yoga Clothing

Gauze Easy Tank


3 Color(s) Available

Ancient Language Yoga Clothing

Bamboo Wrap Hoodie


2 Color(s) Available

Ancient Language Yoga Clothing

Bamboo Hi Lo Classic Hot Short


12 Color(s) Available

The 1st Yoga Collection

The 1st Yoga Collection was created in 1993. This was when Yoga Journal was printed on newprint. Ancient Language was "Chaffins" then and had a pop up at the 1st Yoga Journal Conference. it has been so amazing to watch this niche be embraced by the Western world.